
Ant  螞蟻

have ants in one’s pants  躍躍欲試;坐立不安

Don’t you have ants in your pants about learning more of these idioms? 你難道不是躍躍欲試想多學點這些慣用語嗎?




kill two birds with one stone 一石二鳥

eat like a bird 吃得很少

Lately, Dave has been eating like a bird. 最近大偉的飯量很小。


Bull   (未閹割過的)公牛

take the bull by the horns 面對艱難的情況或問題;不畏艱險

Finally they decide to take the bull by the horns. 他們終於決定勇敢面對問題。

A successful businessman always takes the bull by the horns .   一位成功的生意人總是不畏艱難, 勇敢地面對問題。  

I needed more money and so I decided to take the bull by the horns and ask my boss for more pay .   我需要更多的錢, 因而不畏艱難去向老板要求增加工資。



Cow   母牛; 奶牛

till the cows come home長時間;長期,永遠 


You can talk till the cows come home ; you ' ll never make me change my mind .   你就是說出大天來, 也休想改變我的主意。





the cat's meow (= miaow 貓叫聲)  非常棒的

A man had a pet that he thought was the cat's meow.  有個男子養了一隻他自認很棒的寵物。


let the cat out of the bag  (尤指無意中)洩露秘密; 露馬腳

I wanted mother's present to be a secret, but my sister let the cat out of the bag .   給母親的禮物我原想保密, 可是妹妹卻露了馬腳。


The criminal was hiding away from the police, but a small boy let the cat out of the bag when he told the police that there was a man in the house.   罪犯正躲避警方的搜查, 但一位小男孩洩露了秘密, 他告訴警方屋裡有一個男人。




lead a dog’s life過狗一般的生活(長期憂慮、痛苦或悲傷)

A big dog in this apartment will really lead a dog’s life.


lead sb. a dog's life (sb. = somebody)  使某人生活痛苦不堪 

dog eat dog弱肉強食;為了自己的利益而傷害別人

John has been a police detective for 25 years, and in this dog-eat-dog world, he thought he had seen it all.  擔任警探已25年的約翰認為,在這個弱肉強食的世界裡,他什麼都見識過了。


Let sleeping dogs lie  保持現狀

All the parents want to do is let sleeping dogs lie. 所有家長都覺得維持現狀就好。


( waking up the sleeping dog 改變現狀? )


Bark   吠聲 (, 狐等之吠叫聲)

all bark no bite  虛張聲勢;揚言要對你不利,但並非真想這麼做

Who hasn't ever, after being threatened by people who don't actually do anything against them, stated, "They are all bark no bite"?     遭受別人威脅,但後來對方並未實際採取對自己不利的行動時,大家不是都會說:「他們是在虛張聲勢(all bark no bite)?




A fish out of water某人離開適合他/她的環境;離水的魚;處於陌生環境的人;不得其所的人 

like a fish out of water感到生疏

A big dog in this apartment will really lead a dog’s life and feel like a fish out of water


Goose   ; 雌鵝

one's goose is cooked  麻煩大了;沒希望了




a horse of a different colour  虛有其表

1.     impressive only in appearance; meretricious

2.      to appear better than it is   虛有其表

3.      a horse of another color 完全另外一回事 

That's a horse of another color . 那完全是另外一回事。 

be on one's high horse  /  get on one's high horse【口】趾高氣揚; 盛氣凌人

put the cart before the horse 本末倒置; 因果顛倒

hoof    蹄;【口】人的腳

 hoof it 走路;【俚】步行

My son hoofs a mile to school each day .   我的兒子每天步行一英里去上學。

I don't have a car.  We'll have to hoof it. 我沒有車子,我們必須走路。




monkey   猴子

monkey around  【口】調皮; 搗蛋;鬼混  (monkey vi. 不及物動詞)

The twins have been monkeying about in the attic again .   那對雙胞胎又在閣樓上胡鬧了。

sparrow   麻雀

Small as the sparrow is, it possesses all its internal organs.  麻雀雖小五臟俱全

Squirrel   松鼠

a small animal with a long furry tail that climbs trees and eats nuts


squirrel away  貯存;把...藏起來, 儲存[(+away)]

She squirrelled away her money .   她把錢藏了起來。 

He denied having any money squirrelled away in foreign banks .   他否認在外國銀行裡有存款。

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